韓德爾 – 神劇《彌賽亞》
第二十一屆台北國際合唱音樂節 Taipei International Choral Festival(TICF21)
韓德爾 – 神劇《彌賽亞》
第二十一屆台北國際合唱音樂節 Taipei International Choral Festival(TICF21)
▊首播日期 Premiere Date August 1, 2021 觀賞期限 until Aug 15, 2021
▊線上節目冊 Program Book https://reurl.cc/NrgXAn
▊Final Concert
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759): Messiah
(尤金·古森斯管弦樂編曲 Orch. Eugene Goossens)
指揮/嘉保.豪勒隆 Gábor Hollerung, conductor
女高音/麗塔.賽米雷 Zita Szemere , soprano
女低音/阿塔拉.朔克 Atala Schöck , alto
男高音/佐爾坦.邁格耶西 Zoltán Megyesi, tenor
男低音/克里斯蒂安.切爾 Krisztián Cser, bass
匈牙利聯合節慶合唱團 National United Choir
杜南伊管弦樂團 Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra
▊演出曲目 Program
00:00 開場
00:25 導聆 Intro
04:21 PART I: The Prophecy and The Fulfilment|第一部:預言及實現
05:02 Sinfony 序曲
07:58 Comfort ye my people|Accompagnato (Tenor) 你們要安慰我的百姓|宣敘調(男高音)
10:12 Ev’ry valley shall be exalted| Air (Tenor) 一切山漥都要填滿|詠嘆調(男高音)
13:28 And the glory of the Lord|Chorus 耶和華的榮耀必然顯現|合唱
16:27 Thus saith the Lord of hosts|Accompagnato (Bass) 萬軍之耶和華如此說|宣敘調(男低音)
17:49 But who may abide the day of His coming|Air (Bass) 他來的日子,誰能當得起呢?|詠嘆調(男低音)
21:43 And he shall purify the sons of Levi|Chorus 他必潔淨利未人|合唱
24:11 Behold, a virgin shall conceive|Recitativo (Alto) 看啊,必有童女懷孕生子|宣敘調(女低音)
25:03 O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion |Air (Alto) & chorus 報好信息給錫安的啊|詠嘆調(女低音)與合唱
30:40 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth|Accompagnato (Bass) 看哪!黑暗遮蓋大地|宣敘調(男低音)
32:24 The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light|Air (Bass) 在黑暗中行走的百姓看見了大光|詠嘆調(男低音)
35:29 For unto us a child is born|Chorus 因有一嬰孩為我們而生|合唱
39:18 Pifa 田園交響曲
41:45 There were shepherds abiding in the fields|Recitativo (Soprano) 野地裡有牧羊的人|宣敘調(女高音)
41:57 And lo, the angel of the Lord|Accompagnato (Soprano) 看哪!有主的使者站在他們旁邊|宣敘調(女高音)
42:15 And the angel said unto them|Recitativo (Soprano) 那天使對他們說|宣敘調(女高音)
42:47 And suddenly there was with the angel| Accompagnato (Soprano) 忽然,有一大隊天兵同那天使讚美神說|宣敘調(女高音)
43:02 Glory to God in the highest|Chorus 在至高之處榮耀歸於上帝|合唱
44:59 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion|Air (Soprano) 錫安的民哪,應當大大喜樂|詠嘆調(女高音)
49:20 Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened|Recitativo (Alto) 那時瞎子的眼必睜開|宣敘調(女低音)
49:51 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd|Air (Alto, soprano) 他必像牧人牧養自己的羊群|詠嘆調(女低音與女高音)
53:53 His yoke is easy|Chorus 因為他的軛是容易的|合唱
57:16 PART II: The Passion and The Triumph|第二部:受難與勝利
57:26 Behold the Lamb of God|Chorus 看哪!上帝的羔羊|合唱
1:00:32 He was despised and rejected of men|Air (Alto) 他被藐視,被人厭棄|詠嘆調(女低音)
1:09:50 Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows|Chorus 他誠然擔當我們的憂患|合唱
1:11:44 And with his stripes we are healed|Chorus 因他受的鞭傷我們得醫治|合唱
1:13:29 All we like sheep have gone astray|Chorus 我們都如羊走迷|合唱
1:17:04 All they that see him laugh him to scorn|Accompagnato (Tenor) 凡看見他的都嗤笑他|宣敘調(男高音)
1:17:43 He trusted in God that he would deliver him|Chorus 他把自己交託耶和華|合唱
1:19:45 Thy rebuke hath broken his heart|Accompagnato (Tenor) 辱罵傷破了他的心|宣敘調(男高音)
1:21:09 But thou didst not leave his soul in hell|Air (Tenor) 你必不將他的靈魂撇在陰間|詠嘆調(男高音)
1:23:08 Lift up your heads, O ye gates|Chorus 眾城門哪,你們要抬起頭來|合唱
1:26:19 The Lord gave the word|Chorus 主發命令|合唱
1:27:31 How beautiful are the feet|Air (Soprano) 他們的腳蹤何等佳美|詠嘆調(女高音)
1:29:57 Why do the nations so furiously rage together|Air (Bass) 外邦為什麼爭鬧|詠嘆調(男低音)
1:34:56 Let us break their bonds asunder|Chorus 我們要掙開他們的綑綁|合唱
1:36:56 He that dwelleth in heaven|Recitativo (Tenor) 那座在天上的必發笑|宣敘調(男高音)
1:37:15 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron|Air (Tenor) 你必用鐵杖打破他們|詠嘆調(男高音)
1:39:11 Hallelujah|Chorus 哈利路亞|合唱
1:43:40 PART III: The Resurrection and The Glory|第三部:復活與榮耀
1:43:55 I know that my Redeemer liveth|Air (Tenor) 我知道我的救贖主活著|詠嘆調(女高音)
1:48:44 Since by man came death|Chorus 死既是因一人而來|合唱
1:50:50 Behold, I tell you a mystery|Accompagnato (Bass) 我如今把一件奧秘的事告訴你們|宣敘調(男低音)
1:51:24 The trumpet shall sound|Air (Bass) 因號筒要響|詠嘆調(男低音)
1:55:17 Worthy is the Lamb|Chorus 曾被殺的羔羊|合唱
1:58:32 Amen|Chorus 阿們|合唱